Answer The dialogue, Buddhist masters as the Dalai Lama and scientists have focused so far mainly in three areas. One is to astrophysics, mainly on how the universe evolved. And the beginning It was created or whether it is an eternal part of the process The second theme is a particle, the structure of atoms and matter. The third is the neuroscience of how the brain works. These are the main areas.
One of the conclusions that science and Buddhism to reach the common feature that is not the creator. Theory of the science of conservation of matter and energy of matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only changed. Buddhist completely agree with and extend the principle of the mind. Mind, in Buddhism indicates an awareness of the phenomena whether conscious or unconscious and the phenomena of consciousness can not be created nor destroyed, only changed. Thus, the revival is simply a change in the continuity of the current phenomena of the individual conscience, but now the physical basis of another body.
Particle physicists stress the observer s definition of anything. For example, some of the lights is a problem from another perspective, is the energy. What is the phenomenon of light seems to be so dependent on many variables, in particular, the conceptual framework for researchers to use to analyze it. So, no phenomena of nature as this or that concern their own side of the consciousness that they are detected.
Buddhism says the same thing what problems there are will depend on the observer and the conceptual framework in which the person to keep them. For example, if a particular situation is so horrible, or something to solve the problem depends on the observer, the person involved. If someone is a conceptual framework, This is an impossible situation, and nothing can be done, so there really is a difficult problem, which can not be resolved. However, the state of mind that thinks, This is a complex and multifaceted, but there is a solution, if we approach it differently, so that man is much more open to trying to find a solution. What is a huge problem for a person not a big problem yet. It depends on the observer, our problems do not exist in nature in a monstrous problem. Thus, science and Buddhism reached the same conclusion there are phenomena of this or that depends on the observer.
Similarly, neurologists and Buddhists as well as hanging from the known relationship between things. For example, when neurologists examine the brain trying to figure out what makes our decisions, they discover that there is a decision maker in the brain. Not a small man named I is sitting inside your head, getting information from the eyes, ears, and so on, as if on a computer screen, and decide by pressing a button, so that the hand is doing this and doing on foot. Rather, decisions on the results of a vast and complex network of nerve impulses and chemical and electrical processes. Together, they bring the result of the decision. This is done without a separate unit, which is the decision maker. Buddhism stresses the same there is no I , which is a permanent and stable, sitting on our heads, that makes the decisions. Traditionally, it is said, I feel this. I do , but in reality what happens is the result of a complex interaction of factors. Science and Buddhism are very close in this regard.
Question What time is it As students, we need to be on time, and lectures have enough time to prepare for our studies, or to meet our responsibilities at work. How can we understand the time to make life easier
Answer Buddhism defines time to change of measure. We can measure the change in terms of movement of the planets or the sun s position in the sky. We can measure the ratio between the number of classes in the semester we go we have gone to twelve and the other two are left or we can measure the physical body s cycles menstrual cycle, the number of breaths we take, and so on. These are different ways of measuring the change and the time is simply measuring the change.
Time does not exist, but depending on how we think about it, time to influence in different ways. For example, we think, I only have one day left before the exam Because we are a small amount of time, you get anxious, because we do not have enough time. If you think differently, there are 24 hours left, then seems to be the time to do some preparation. Psychologically, it depends on how you look. If you look at something like that and oppressive, we are overwhelmed by it and not enough time. However, if we look at it openly, so how long you have, try to use it constructively, and not become upset.
Question Buddhism emphasizes logic and reasoning. There s a certain point, as in other religions, with an act of faith is necessary
Answer Buddhism is not required. We can say the definition of what is Buddhist. What exists is defined as what can be known. If you can not know, so that, for example, a rabbit, horns, turtle hair, lips, or chicken. We can imagine a man on the lips of chicken, we can imagine a cartoon drawing of lips chicken, but we can not never seen a chicken, chicken lips, because there is no such thing. Does not exist, because it can not be known.
This means that everything that exists can be known. It possible that our mind that our mental activity of the phenomena of consciousness to cover everything. And the opinion of the writings, saying that the absolute is beyond mind and words. First of all, I do not like to translate the term as absolute in English, because it gives that connotation is no longer us, as if it were something in the sky. Instead, I prefer to translate the deepest reality of things. The deeper things really are not. And more than the mind and the rest of the concepts and words, in the sense that it is the most common ways of perceiving things. Language and perception means that things are there in black and white categories. A good man, bad, an idiot, a genius a consequence of a language is, that things exist as a separate category and well defined This is a stupid man can not do anything right. . This is a great man. Perception of reality is to see that things are not impossible in these ways fantasized, the categories of black and white. Things are more open and dynamic. Someone could do something now, but that does not mean he is just an idiot. A person can be a lot of other things a friend, father and so on.
So when we say that the fact of things is that there are deeper in a way that is more than the mind, and I said, we are talking about the fact that things there are ways, the concepts and language of their meaning. Our minds can understand.
That our mind can not understand certain things, so we have a leap of faith to believe in them. Buddhism does not require us to have blind faith. On the contrary, the Buddha said Do not believe what I say only respect for me, but the test alone, as if you were to buy gold. This applies at all levels.
Logic in particular point could not be immediately obvious to us. However, we do not reject something just because they do not understand it at first. With patience, learning and exploration of what it previously did not understand to begin to make sense.