A doctor friend of Sydney has been discussed in this case with me again. He said he saw CT, and confirmed that the incident was well known in the medical community. He explained that the boy was the only one, what is called the reptilian brain stem. Usually every child born one reptile brainstem without bark and other things usually dies immediately or few days birth. Reptile brainstem does capable maintain basic bodily functions like breathing, cardiac or hepatic. It is not enough to keep going higher brain functions. Not just talking, not enough intelligence, at least not enough for a student with honors in mathematics. This doctor said Ajahn Brahm, you do not believe that this presents a problem in my field of science. It breaks down as much of the past research. And a challenge that so many pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars in profits. Why not a dogmatic scientists understand how a person does not practice not in the brain can be intelligent, they are just bury the results of the back of the cabinet storage, classification exception. But the truth only to disappear.
Mind and brain
As soon as you begin to understand the mind, the Ghost in the Machine , in the equations, the researchers tend to upset. They resort to dogma, and say No, can not exist. I have not really been the Sate Astronomer this task dogmatism in science.
What Buddhism is concerned, there are six senses. Not only the five senses in science, ie vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, but also the mind. Beginning, Buddhism, mind is sixth sense. Twenty five centuries ago, the sixth sense is well recognized. So this does not change things to stay the present course, this has been so from the beginning. The Sixth Sense, the mind is independent of the other five senses. In particular, the mind is independent of the brain. If a voluntary transfer to the brain, which brings me my brain And I ll take your brain and you can still Ajahn Brahm still you. Want to try If it was possible and has happened, you would still be yourself. The mind and brain are two different things. Mind can exploit brains but not needed.
Some of you have been out of body experiences. These experiences outside the body, has recently been the traditional scientific research. Out body experiences are now scientific fact I like to confuse people by saying things like that. I recently saw that Dr. Sam Parnia, a researcher at the University of Southampton Medical School, has issued a document stating that the awareness of death remains. 2 He said he did not know how it happens or why it happens, but he says, happens. His trial was put together by people who have been forced out of body experiences in his hospital. Dr Parnia, research and interviewed many, many patients. Information he gave, as a scientist, a cool head, said yes, those people were aware of during the time they were dead. What was particularly impressive is that often you can describe a doctor of medical procedures that have been made during the period in which they were clinically dead. It could be described as if they see a body position in the table above. But how is that Dr. Parnia vertical explain. Why can not explain. But other medical findings also support the above. Finally, the findings replicate earlier work by Dr. Raymond A. Moody in the United States. 3
The evidence showed that those physicians most uncompromising of body experiences happen. But how this could happen If we agree, that the mind can be an independent body, then we have a plausible explanation. The brain does not need to work in the sense there. Scientific knowledge we have, there is evidence, but many scientists do not want to admit the facts. They want to turn a blind eye because of dogmatism.
Come and see for yourself
If you had one person was confirmed dead as a doctor who could be described as in medicine, as soon as they are alive, what was said and done during that time of death, I would not be convincing enough When I did the physics of elementary particles, the theory was that it required proof of what a particle called the W . Cyclotron at CERN in Geneva has funded a large research project, together with the atoms, destroying a huge particle accelerator, trying to find one of those W of particles. They spent hundreds of millions of pounds on this project. They found one, just a W of particles. Do not think I ve found another since. But when you find a W of particles, the researchers involved in this project have received Nobel Prize in physics. They proved the theory only to find the particles in a W one. This is good science. One is enough to prove the theory.
When it comes to what we do not want to believe, they call a single experience, a clear experience of an indisputable fact, an anomaly. Anomaly is the word science to the test staggering that we can put behind the store and not look back, because it threatens our world view. It undermines what we want to believe. It threatens our dogma. However, an integral part of the scientific method is that the theories have been dropped against the evidence, the facts. The starting point is that the evidence of sense, independent of the brain is there. But when we admit that the evidence, and follow the scientific method, so many theories about love, what we call the sacred cows will be discontinued.
When we see something that challenges all theories of science or religion, we must not forget the evidence. We need to change the theory corresponds to reality. This is what we do in Buddhism. All of the Buddha Dhamma and what he taught, if the experience is not good, then we should not accept it. We can not accept the Buddha s words contradict experience. This is clearly Kalama Sutta. (III, 65) The Buddha said that faith, as it is written in books, or even say it. Do not just think because it is a tradition, or because it sounds good, or because it is comforting to you. Make sure it fits experience. The existence of the mind, regardless of the brain, is part of the experience. The facts are there.
Sometimes we can not rely on experts. You can not trust Ajahn Brahm. Et can rely scientific journals. Because people are often only partial. Buddhism provides a scientific method for your practice. Buddhism says, to try and find out for yourself if what the Buddha said is true or not. Check the experience. For example, a method developed to test the truth of past lives, rebirth and reincarnation. Not enough to believe in faith, to find yourself. The Buddha has given a scientific experiment that can be played.
Once you understand the law of Karma, which is part of Buddhism, karma is just a theory. Do you think that God is there, Who decides when you can be happy or unhappy Or whether all it happens only if Happiness and suffering in your life, joy, pain and disappointment, they deserved You are responsible or to blame someone else It s not a coincidence that we are rich or poor And bad luck, when we are sick and dying young Why You ll find the real answer for you. You can feel the law kamma through deep meditation. When the Buddha sat on the Bodhi tree Bodhgaya, two sets of data is done just before his enlightenment experience was the knowledge of the truth of rebirth, experience and information about the law of Karma. This was not a theory, not only to think something is not working in a coffee table discussions was the realization of a profound experience of the nature of mind. You too can have the same experience.
All the religions of the world except Buddhism there to support the soul. They say the real self , basically everything, person, I . Buddhism says that there are no cars Who is right What is this Ghost in the machine The soul is a being, or is it a process What is it When the Buddha said that no one here does not mean only be believed, meant to be lived. The Buddha said, because the scientific fact that the there is no self. But like any scientific fact, it is to live every man for themselves paccattam veditabbo vi???h?. Many of you sing the words in Pali every day. And the basic scientific research in Buddhism. You need to keep an open mind. You do not believe that there is no self , I do not think that is a self , both beliefs are dogmatism. Keep an open mind until you have completed the experiment. The experiment is practically Sila, samadhi, and to, (a virtue, meditation and vision). Trial Buddhist in practice. The same experimental procedures that Buddha is not under the Bodhi tree. Repeat it, and if you get the same results. The result is called enlightenment.
Men and women have repeatedly try many times over the centuries. And the laboratory of the Buddhist practice of the Illuminati, Arahants, rising. Arahants are those who have done the experiment and found to be the result. That is why Buddhism has always been a scientific manner. And how to find out the truth for yourself enlightenment.
Buddhism is a scientific way to find truth, happiness, what most people are interested in what is happiness Some students of a local Islamic school came to visit the monastery recently. I did a little trick to the feast, which was also illuminating way to show the existence of the mind. I tried to explain Buddhism, so I asked them
Are you happy Your hands if you re happy now.
In the beginning there was no answer. Then someone said, and raised his hand.
Oh, you re all unhappy I said, Only one person, let s go Are you happy or not
More students to put there hands up.
Okay, that his hand, saying they are satisfied with your index finger is now able to refer to that happiness You can give the coordinates in space They found that the best of luck.
It is hard to find happiness, is not it Have you ever been depressed The next time you are depressed, try to aim it a sense of your index finger You will find that it not possible detects depressive, or luck mode. You can not give information, because these things have in mind, not body, not in space. Mind not space. Therefore, when a man dies, if they come from the Spirit can appear all over the world immediately. People sometimes ask me How can this happen How can a person dies, they say in New York, soon appear in Perth And because the mind is not a space, that s why. That is why we can not point to happiness, you can point to depression, but they are real. You re imagining happiness Can you imagine the depression It is true. You all know that. But it is not possible to identify three dimensional space . Happiness, depression, and much more real, all live in mind space.
The mind is not in the brain, no heart. We have seen that you might not have brains but they still have in mind. You could take your heart, and the bionic heart or a heart transplant, and still be yourself. This understanding of the mind is why Buddhists are opposed to cloning. Want clone me, do it But I do not think that if a clone Ajahn Brahm and Ajahn Brahm, you can get going to Singapore this evening, one of which is in Perth to talk about next Friday night, and what they can remain in the monastery and Bodhinyana who can not go to Sydney, and who can not go to Melbourne. If I clone a person who shows me a completely different personality, knowledge, inclination, and everything else. People clone of Toyota in the same way. They seem exactly same but result depends very lot driver car inside. This is all cloning is just a copy of the body. Sure looks the same, but the body is all a person has Did not you see identical twins Identical twins have the same personality They had the same intelligence They had the same tendencies They also keep the same food The answer is usually no.
Why do people have this problem of cloning Clone as much as you want. You are just creating more bodies to get streams of consciousness. These streams of consciousness from past lives. What is the problem She can never predict. Suppose you took the brain Einstien, extract some of his DNA and cloned a new Einstien. He could be the same, but no you do not half clever.
If people want to go to stem cell research, which will help humanity, so why not Stem cell research is not to be involved. That, has not yet come. Buddhism is to realize that yes, the mother down to the stomach at any time from conception until birth. Sometimes it does not even go in her arms at all, and the fetus was stillborn. Oppose stem cell research are dogmatic, unscientific, and uncompassionate. They are stupid, because I m worried. Sometimes wonder that I pulls hair I Monaco.
If examines scientific evidence rebirth, explore Professor Ian Stevenson. He spent his entire life to seeking the recovery of a strong science base at the University of Virginia. 4 Chester Carlson, inventor of xerography, (to encourage his wife) offered funds for a chair professor at the University favorable Stevenson must devote full time to such research. If it is not that people do not want to believe in rebirth, Dr. Ian Stevenson would have been a world renowned scientist today. He also spent a couple of years as a visiting Fellow at Magdalene College, Oxford, to see that this is not a strange professor, he has all the credentials of the West esteemed academic.
Dr. Stevenson has more than 3,000 cases of its files. An interesting example was a very clear example of a man who remembered many details of his past life without the possibility of obtaining such information from another source. This person died in a few weeks before it was born again This raises the question, for all months, the fetus in the womb, who it was What is Buddhism, the mother and fetus should be maintained in the stream of consciousness. But when the second stream of consciousness is fed, then the fetus has become a new man. This is a case in which a stream of consciousness has come in the womb when the fetus is almost fully developed. This can be done. This was the understanding of Buddhism 25 years ago. If the stream of consciousness does not reach his mother s womb, the child was born dead. There are a lot of evidence to support that.
Science and Buddhism
When a Buddhist looks through a telescope, they are not afraid of what they could find. They are not afraid of science. Science is an integral part of Buddhism. If science can not repeal the new birth, then Buddhists should give an idea of the rebirth. If the science is contradictory, and shows that the self, then it must abandon all the Buddhist non self. If the science shows there is no such thing as Karma, but instead is a heaven, then all Buddhists should believe in God, if this is demonstrable science. Buddhism is not sacred cows. However, I encourage you to do these experiments yourself. I bet you ll find that there is no away . You will find kamma. You ll notice that you ve been here before, that this is not your life before. If you do not behave well in this life, you have a second life yet to come. Do you think you ve made diapers, where the school Do you really want to go through all over again If you are not careful.
So here are my thoughts on science and Buddhism. I think that Buddhism is a pure science, science that does not stop out there , but also examines the mind, a , Ghost in the Machine . And do not forget about any defects. Buddhism takes all of his information, in particular, experience, and looks it scientifically. It is an incredible success.
One of the reasons why people are celebrating the science is all technological achievements. One of the reasons why Buddhism is growing these days is because all of his success to technology of the mind. It solves problems. Explain the psychological difficulties. Buddhism can not solve these internal problems, because it has all of these strategies, these ancient gadgets that actually work. If you try some of these contraptions a Buddhist, they find themselves alone, who produce the goods, which determine the internal suffering and pain. That is why Buddhism is growing. I believe that Buddhism is a science to replace
Thank you.