By virtue of Section 5 (3) and Section 8 (a) (7) and (8) of the home Control Act BE 2522 which is an Act provisions. Some restrictions on the rights and liberties of the people of Section 29 and Section 31 Section 35 Section 48 Section 49 and Section 50 of the State Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. So permit by virtue of the provisions of the law. Minister of Interior, with the advice of building Control Commission issued the Ministerial Regulation as follows.
Clause 1 of this Ministerial Regulation.
"Residential building" means a house, typically a person using residential, day and night. Whether permanent or temporary residence.
"Brick" means a house constructed as a continuous length from the second row stand up. There are booths and walls divided into home materials, cement consists mainly.
"Town" means a home constructed as a continuous length from the second row stand up. house a wall is divided into booths and contain most of the refractory.
"Home row" means row houses or quarters used as residence. This is the space between the front and rear boundary fence or land The home each stand. And not higher than three floor s.
"Twin" means a house used for residential construction of two consecutive home. The home is divided into walled house. The space between the fence or boundary of land and the home front and rear sides of each house. And the entrance of each house separately accounted for.
"Commercial" for the new network and that the building used for the purpose of commerce or business or industrial machines. The carrying capacity of less than 5 horsepower, and shall include any building construction from the public street or not more than 20 meters, which may be used as building To no avail. In a commercial.
"Public home" means a building used for the purpose of gathering the people in general. To official activities of the religious, political, social, recreational or commercial, commercial entertainment, such as hotels, hospitals, educational institutions Hall Library, an outdoor stadium. Indoor stadium in the market place shopping center tunnel, bridge, airport service station car park marina pontoon berth Cemetery Crematorium places of worship etc.
"Special home" means building standard to strong safety and special homes such as the following.
(A) Hospital Library Auditorium Amphitheater entertainment, art galleries museums or places of worship.
(B) beam boat docks or marinas. For large ships over 100 gross tons.
(C) a house or built more than 15 meters high bridge or home or a roof over 10 meters, or a structure that may cause danger to the public.
(D) home materials, storage of flammable or explosive materials, toxic materials or radiation transmission distribution under the law of that
"Residential house" means a house or any part of the building used as living quarters for several families were divided into separate units. For each family.
"Large home" means a house with a total area of every class or first class level or in the back the same more than 2,000 square meters home with a height ranging from 15.00 m and above and has a total area of every layer or layers one layer which In the same after more than 1,000 square meters, but less than 2,000 square meters to measure the height of the building. Measured from ground level to the construction of the roof to the ground. Pan Ya draw his or homes measured from ground level to the top of the wall construction. The highest level.
"Office" means a house or any part of the home to be used as an office or offices.
"Warehouse" means a house or any part of the building to use as a storage place for goods or commercial purposes. Or industry.
"Factory" means a home or any part of the home to use as a factory under the Factory Act.
"Commercial entertainment" means a home or any part of the home to use as a screening venue for music or movie theater or other entertainment shows. And is intended to open to the public to show that Will be paid or not.
"Hotel" means a building or any part of the house to use as a hotel under the law of hotel
"Restaurant" means any house or any part of the house to use as food or drink. The desktop size for the food service building. Or outside the house.
"Permanent material" means material which is typically not converted easily by water, fire or weather.
"Refractory" means that no construction materials as fuel.
"Surface" means the size of the home to people to stay or move in within the scope of the beams. Or Tong at the ground. Or within the ground. Or within the walls of homes, including a balcony or terrace with
"Cap" means the building in the block set to break ground in house other rooms.
"Wall" means the home in a block located outside of the home or the unit as a back or a separate unit.
"Fire wall" means a brick wall that constitutes a normal thickness of not less than 18 cm in the box provided, and no fire or smoke through it. Or a wall made of refractory otherwise qualified in fire protection. Well at least with a brick wall that cause common 18 cm thick reinforced concrete walls must be thick if it is not less than 12 cm
"It Plain" means land that make up a stick and burned to mature.
"Canopy" means the top of the building is covered for sun and rain protection. As well as the structure or anything synthetic. Bond to cover this thing strong.
"Deck" means the top floor of a building with no roof covering. And people can be more serviceable
"The ladder" means a period which set the stage stairs, continued throughout.
"Customer location" means the term set of stairs.
"Sleeping baby" means the horizontal length of the ladder.
"Wide net" means the width measured from one point to another, at one point without any barrier thing.
"Space" means an space or home without the roof covering. This size may be classified as well, swimming pool, pond water sharing accommodation solid waste. Or parking outside of any home. And shall include the size of construction. Or high-rise homes from the ground level up to 1.20 meters and is covered over the roof or home level.
"Public road" means a road open to the public or consent to or used as a thoroughfare. However, whether a charge or compensation.
Reference to Residential
วันอังคารที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553
Documents that will be used to request building permit.
1. An application to modify the building or house demolition house (Form 0.1)) or
Application for permission to move the building (Form 0.2).
2. A copy of Company Registration Certificate. Which the objective. T and authorities signed.
Legal representative who issued within 6 months (if the applicant is a legal entity) and authorized.
Certified copy of every page of a series
3. A copy or photograph the size of the original plot of land. And landed a certified copy of every page.
4. Written consent of the landowner The construction of the land or a copy of the lease land. (If the applicant
Not allow land owners) of a series
5. A copy of identity card Registration and a copy of the applicant. Authorized Representative.
Acting on behalf of corporate and land owners. With a certified copy of every page of a series
Documents Application sheet every applicant to sign and seal.
Registration tax up to 6 months personal copy of registration, identification card, passport, a set
Licenses for land in industrial estates T 01 / 2 with the conditions attached to the land and plans to convert a set
Copy of title deed as much real shot - the land of another person if the consent to build the plot of land with land ownership documents from a series
Proxy 30 U.S. tax stamp and copy of ID card, registration, passport delivery, and recipient of the first round series.
Architect Certificate with this form Us. 3 copies (never designed a house site plans, drainage or home safe and November. More than 1,000 square meters to use ordinary architects).
Certificate engineering with leaves Uy. 3 sets (designated use, warehouse PL. More than 1,000 square meters, a special project within 10 m using ordinary the Engineers).
Certificate of Supervision of leaves with Uy. 3 series (high-rise homes and building extra large The ordinary the Engineers.)
Summary of the plan T 02/1-1 completely fill the applicant, architect, engineering certified.
The fc> 65 Ksc. Or fc '> 150 Ksc. To show transcripts show concrete engineers calculate the applicant and certified.
Calculate a set list of cover sheet indicated a house owner, a house, construction, title - qualification - the address of engineers ready to sign each sheet is calculated.
Alter the structurally of homes contiguous to existing structurallys certified engineerings can calculate the weight of the new structurally is safe.
A copy of modifying houses to show the original home permit. And copies of the certified houses (if any).
home or house a large special certificate with a copy of Uy.'s Electrical system and mechanical engineerings. General qualifications up to 3 sets.
Documents prevent major structural fire 3 cm under the Ministerial Regulation No. 48/2540.
Registration of entity trusted institution. Authorized to sign all documents approved a set of sheets.
Copy of identification card. Registration of the authorized signatory. Trusted institutions. With a set of endorsements.
Show a copy of Uy.'s Degree the Engineers who certified the refractory three hours with a set of endorsements.
Certificate from a trusted institution to the applicant by Specific types of refractories for 3 hours a building, the owner with an authorized signature and qualification engineering.
Detailed 3-hour fire protection of materials standards ASTME - 119 are required by the size of the main structure with qualifications in the Engineersing drawings signed.
Certificate of Supervision of major structural fire protection for 3 hours with a copy of Uy. 3 sets (the Parties engineer to work.)
Reference to Building Construction
วันศุกร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553
Home repairs.Repairing wood mosaic parquet.Procedures for contacting the building.
Playing surface with a furniture repairing locker.
For those with old furniture. And are interested to see the new reparable. Example, want to shine like the original to the chair must provide tools are playing Soccer estimated this number by considering the chair 5 and Table home 1, the use of Lake Kerr's about 1 / 2 gallons of paint thinner 1 gallon No. 0 sandpaper, about 12 sheets or brush rabbit brush channel some 2-3 million lactate coated metal bowl, a few leaves after the second preparation devices are ready to begin repairs.
1. Sanding off the old skin as possible. If it comes down to paint over the surface pH changed to make difficult
2. And then mixed Lake Curtain coating in the bowl, do not apply to the very thick before a trip.
3. Let it dry for about 30 minutes and see if rubbed surface is rough or coarse sandpaper to polish the crow was so smooth.
4. Apply Curtain Lake is the second time, let it dry.
5. Tha Lake Curtain is at 3 times the surface area it needs special leave to dry.
reparable wood mosaic parquet.
When most of the flood. Parquet disintegration will become corrupted. Sometimes the surface disintegration. If this occurs, such as Should be a qualified person to fix the attack. Do not plan to repair itself. But if the disintegration few pieces we have enough to reparable itself.
The reason for the disintegration parquet as follows.
1. Because the tape is not. Not tight or polished smooth before the glue is dry. Glue or uneven
2. Waterlogging on the ground. For a long time the deflection of wood swelling up.
3. Termites eating wood does not make a basin or a rough track, not beautiful.
How to repairing, do the following.
1. To explore the use of any kind, such as wooden parquet Mai Daeng teak wood or hard wood plain Shop for the purchase of a new parquet crab.
2. Prepared pieces of wood to dry. Buy latex adhesive or glue for wood to use.
3. Preparing the ground for gluing. Extracted by mouth or flat screwdriver old. Scraping the bottom and remove all old adhesive dust thoroughly.
4. Gummed label latex prepared to approximately 1-2 mm thick piece of wood that came off it was slowly inserted into the press and tap the surface of the wood to maintain the same.
5. And then leave the glue dry for at least 15 days.
6. The number 0 fine sandpaper to polish the seam. The piece is not always the same. Varnish oil to mix paint thinner, some 2-3 times until it was level again, and then polished with sandpaper smooth finish.
7. The merged channel Marl million lactate dyed the same color as the original. Filling Father's burr, then sanding again. Apply million lactate channel surface before I dyed the same color paper, then rubbed oil coated surface with paint thinner to clear .. Shall be completed.
reparable bathroom tile.
In general, a bathroom wall covered with glazed tiles. Whether old or new. Disintegration may be. This may be caused by loose enough to cover tile or you may have to prod the inside or outside wall. The tiles have come off. reparable the Icon that will be difficult because Tile work requires expert But for minor problems such as 1-2 tiles off our plate, it is enough to make your own.
How to fix the bathroom tiles.
1. Prepare the surface by applying different extraction oral flat Slowly extracted to remove all the old mortar round Be careful not to tile plate. Others come off again.
2. From the cleaning surface. Then dry the sodden faithful left damp
3. To cement ratio of 1 to put a slice of the extract.
4. The tiles can be selected to match the pattern or color to stick to the original (but before the paste should be soaked in water for about 1 hours ago.)
repair broken concrete.
Is found always. For home Or the Office of the concrete surface. Style is different. Is tiny. Sangkhalok a similar mesh. This does not look like the ground is broken, but it makes a beautiful track down the crack depth from the surface down to the most. Particular attention should be given that related to the structure of the power or not, because this would break down the collapse. Cracks that are not related to the structure of the building. We can reparable each other.
1. To extract deep into the cracks of the visible lines about 1-2 inches.
2. The dust extracted from finished. Then pour the water soak. Leaving the skin dry.
3. Blended cement ratio of 1 to 2 with 1 part cement 2 parts sand together and let it spin.
4. Plastering the cracks. If the fracture line is to use cement.
5. Last Author smooth surface. Leave to dry.
repair broken plaster walls.
Walls, broken plaster. Usually occurs after the construction always The most likely cause of the beams can not get weight. Allowing fewer beams down Then press the brick wall to crack, probably caused by uneven mixture of cement, lime plaster is not thick enough, home materials deterioration. Or let the water loss after cement plaster solutions do so by
1. The extraction of surface crack width of at least 1 / 2 inches deep, the brick surface.
2. After that, clean the track extraction. Then pour the water soak.
3. Plastering sand, then customize your skin smooth. If the walls leak liner should be used, such as liquid epoxy etc.
4. Leave to dry. Roy then paint to cover repairs.
Reference to Home repairs
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553
Environmental problems in the Map Ta Phut. News has become the attention of the public at large.
Environmental problems in the Map Ta Phut. News has become the attention of the public at large. And on October 2, 2552 the Supreme Administrative Court ordered the case is about the project, 76 industrial projects, environmental problems associated with the development of this industry, the various restaurants. Therefore, Appraisal Foundation of Thailand Therefore some volunteer researchers to explore publicity opinion to reflect the image of. public ownership of real space problem.
Foundation hopes that the findings of. This study is useful for planning, environmental management and urban developer in Map Ta Phut. And confirmed that the study conducted by sincerity Not stakeholders are not biased and did not receive or benefit from Oamis who
About the Survey.
The survey, conducted during 14, 15 and 22 November 2552 by randomly sampling a two-step (Two-stage Sampling) at random in the first step Random community sample by means of a random simple (Simple Random Sampling) at the community level to 21 communities from 31 communities and a random Step 2 is the random people who live in the communities sampled in Step 1 for sample size, number household Yamane's formula is based on a real example of this total sample size was 1,107 people.
1107 total household population covered 3918 houses from the total population of 33,492 people or 11.70% of the population covered. On the other hand, if determined by the number of interviews, a person aged over 18 will find that the number of interviews of 1,107 people represented 4.7% of the population aged 18 years and over with all 23,597 people in the Map Ta Phut. Proportion of population which is sufficient for reliable sampling.
Industry people want.
Key issues that should determine policy is that the majority (65.3% or two thirds) in the Map Ta Phut. Should be the growth industry in the following areas. Here are just five in three industries that should stop the expansion. However, if the count includes those who are not sure or no opinion 22.2% and you will find that the population growth that should stop the existing 26.6%, or half of the population, the industry should be in the Map Ta Phut. Will continue to grow (51.1%).
If the description is found. Even people living in more than 10 years to 55% will see the industry should continue to grow. But still less than the average total 65.3% In addition, despite a host population, especially House. Most have agreed to the expansion of the industry. But still considered less than average at 65.3% as well, this shows that Minority populations who do not want the industry expansion. Continue to consider the habits of living and attached to the family estate. Protection is important.
Pollution and illness.
That pollution is often referenced in the Map Ta Phut. Cause many different illnesses, this study explored publicity opinion on this issue. It was found that during the first years of the illness or death of the impact of pollution in the Map Ta Phut in all 504 cases, or approximately 12.86% of the total population. The separation is caused by working in the establishment of 92 cases or 2.35% of the total population of the remaining 412 cases or 10.52%, illness or death from residential sizes.
In considering the impact of pollution Should be considered separate groups of patients and death from pollution in the workplace because of the effect. Impact of pollution in this case can occur anywhere in the country. This usually is the result of negligence and lack of good control Occupational Health in the workplace, so in regard to pollution in the Map Ta Phut should focus on groups that are affected. Impact on the housing which is approximately 10.52% of the population is significant.
Table 1: The illness or death because of pollution in the first round last year.
Patients affected by minor illness including death.
Number of illness and death from pollution in the Map Ta Phut (person).
Working in the workplace 78 7 7 92.
The Residential 385 26 1412.
Total 463 33 8504.
Proportion compared to the total population surveyed 3918 people.
Working in establishments 1.99% 0.18% 0.18% 2.35%.
The Residential 9.83% 0.66% 0.03% 10.52%.
Total 11.82% 0.84% 0.20% 12.86%.
However, when reviewing the illness from all groups showed that most (11.82%) is always a slight illness, such as a cold, allergies, etc. The group believes that seriously ill or died because of pollution, with only 0.69% of the total population only. Therefore, it can be said that the number of illness and death from pollution, there is not much. Unlike the common belief that pollution can cause health problems in the Map Ta Phut.
Data from the Pollution Control Department found that the main cause of death of populous in Rayong Province in the year 2548 because of external causes of morbidity and mortality (eg, accidental suicide, homicide) and 15%, followed by the causes of disease. cancer and tumors and 12.7% due to infectious and parasitic diseases 12.6%, however, the cause of death from cancer and the tumor had returned in Rayong. The lower-level nationwide.
One of the other evidence seemed to suggest that illness due to pollution in the Map Ta Phut. Not on the level higher than is standard throughout the country. Comparison "The number of people who are sick or feel unwell during an interview last month, 2550" conducted by the National Statistical Office. It was found that the proportion of population who were ill at around the country for about 18.16% while in the Map Ta Phut, has a population of "sick little" in a residential area of only 9.83% of the patient group may have symptoms because of pollution. other causes. Because symptoms are important. A cold or allergies. This occurs so commonly.
In the Map Ta Phut. No toxic contaminated sites. (Contamination space) and can not live as if contaminated sites due to the old airport, mining, or other property valuation. Contaminated sites are often low or negative value because it treated out of state to contamination problems, however, toxic contaminated sites are not visible. Therefore, solving environmental problems is also a high possibility that treatment for area free from pollution.
However, population of around two-thirds (64.2%) believe that in the Map Ta Phut pollution would be more in City Rayong It has a population of 48.5% for wishing to move out of the Map Ta Phut, if In the future, more pollution, or excessive The population will live in the area because of economic reasons and habits. The housing is important. The population living more than 10 years, most would not think moving away from the space.
They also found that The group is not willing to move out if in the future with the Map Ta Phut. Too much pollution. Often in groups with low education level of elementary school. And populous with low income per family (up to 10,000 baht per month) is important, but on the other hand Group ownership housing. In particular, a single homeowner. Tend to move less than other groups. Because the possession of property valued at more than sure enough in the area.
Solution, in the opinion of the populous.
One could say that. Guidelines for pollution would be able to do so without difficulty. From the interviews revealed that the cause of the pollution can be observed not realize populousness are seen as complex offense in emissions is Nuang as such as emission whenever the weather is clear. Or discharge waste water without treatment during heavy rain. This phenomenon is referring to is Nuang other.
For the post of populous in the space include:.
1. Key issues at various industry must follow the law strictly. Will not violate the publicity. And awareness to employees and executives of various industry has social responsibility more
2. To control and prevent corruption in both publicly and wrongfully causing emissions in Nuang other.
3. To have the audit committee of pollution. The representatives of the local populousness to participate with
4. Monitoring unauthorized emissions on a regular basis as such as every week, every month or every time there is a risk of unauthorized emissions, as such as when rain etc.
5. The measures to punish the delinquents severely. Not the CEB.
6. Monitoring equipment and tools in the treatment of industrial waste in various forms, including the developer of pollution to be more effective.
8. In the publicly sector. Should be distributed the water filter mask and get a health check free of charge every year. As well as receive special treatment from residents in the space.
9. To plant trees to help reduce pollution.
10. The practice evacuation in case of leakage of pollutants into the community.
11. To provide housing for the populousness. By far the pollution. By way of sale of land to industrial.
12. The management of publicity expropriation of land for industrial expansion.
13. populous have a right to know the information immediately and clearly. For the protection of interests of the residents directly.
14. The organized protesters plant emissions. So that the problem is resolved immediately.
Therefore, solutions are at the inspection to control the offense. This closely If the government or publicity agency established to have an objective that's implementation. The free checked closely and continuously. With the reporting of audit results to the publicly continued as well. Believe that some form of emissions will decrease
The local people also believe that many facilities as well as of public or not. Have violated the law. Violation of the residents or the surrounding communities. Constitute a crime. And held a lack of social responsibility directly. So disclosure to the public. Litigation and other cases are therefore likely to be a problem, corrective and preventive measures rather than generalize This will affect the investment climate.
Process of creating a good image of the industry is something that must be carried out. Seriously and make sure it has not, will be based on the beliefs of the populousness that create images rather than intention. As a true industry professional Neu. Industrial operator should be understood that Reduce costs by spreading the pollution. Would negatively impact the industry in the long run. It will be opposition from local populous, sure enough.
Immovable properties.
Whereas it is necessary to grow the industry in the Map Ta Phut. As part of national develop for the benefit of the Thai people nationwide. In this case, may be necessary to purchase the land or immovable properties. Property and land for agriculture, some of the populous. Especially those located close to the direction of industry growth. A space to grow the industry. And may be a buffer zone to residential spaces. This will prevent the pollution has affected the citizens. However, the purchase or expropriation of this Should be paid higher than the appraised value for the registration of rights and acts of the government. It also should be equal to purchase price. Or may pay a higher price in order to facilitate the affected Impact moved out as soon as possible. For the benefit of all parties.
According to the estimates of the Appraisal Foundation of Thailand in 2550 found that the market value of housing and land for agriculture in the Rayong province worth 356,165 million baht for the number of residents in Rayong Province, according to the registration office. Rat at the end of 2551 with 295,931 units, but in the Map Ta Phut municipality has only 33,411 units or 11.29% will be observed that in the Map Ta Phut. Residential lots. Close to the number of households. Some units, but none to live. Speculation is purchased. Allowing those who are affected by purchase or expropriation of land, there is not much.
The analysis of the number and value of residential above. It can be said that Value of residential and agricultural land to the municipality, so the Map Ta Phut. Should be approximately 40,211 million baht this reason, if the purchase or immovable properties situated near the size. Industries that require real growth. Would not be worth much. Researchers expect that the amount would not exceed 10% of the aggregate amount, or approximately 4,000 million baht. If the government requires land acquisition or expropriation Has economic value and benefit to most people across the country and overall.
Reference to Foundation
วันพุธที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553
Home Builder Association. Business matching activities draw 69 member companies hoping to join the negotiations.
Association of building Builder's Association said today. The work Development Department. Has initiated the business matching between a house work with manufacturers and distributors. And related services. The objective is to focus the activities of marketing to the members of the Association to strengthen even more.
It also creates a good relationship between the members together. The project will be a collection of work related to housing, whether as a manufacturer of building materials. Distributor As well as service providers. Are coming together. Along with offering new forms. Group to receive a note building. It also allows for the negotiation of work in different ways. As may be agreed.
For such activities. Another model is a business association. Done to the members. In addition to building good relations among its members already This will also help drive the business to move simultaneously. The activities of this construction material manufacturers. Distributor And service providers. Participants included 69 companies from all 93 members of the Company representing 74%, which covers all related all
Whether a company build a house Manufacturer and distributor of colored steel roof tile cement roof shutters pest control products. The ratio between buyers and sellers at the event in a similar rate. This will allow trading in the event can be more flexible.
"We want to create a central forum for members to exchange And doing business together. The start time is considered successful as well attended. Many projects are expected to exceed the target we have set. The next time we had the idea to expand this activity pattern is. More complete, "said Wiboon said.
Mr. Wiboon this activity would be expected to have a good errand occurred several million Deal. We want the atmosphere of the work as Fair Trade, and simultaneously, which also will benefit both companies, build a house with a manufacturer distributor And the relevant provider. In the future, expect that if this event successful. The number of participants increased. Resulted in the association. To expand membership base to a broad and well, it is going through a variety of products and services of the members themselves. And bring the transaction within the group members.
In the future, the association estimated that the work would become the work of an update. Innovative products and services, new forms. And a source of goods and services included a complete one job, too.
Co., Ltd. The Agency for Real Estate African Affairs (AREA) presented the report. "Real estate prices are not reduced, even floods," by Dr. Sopon Pornchokchai President. And the Chief Executive. Research and Information Center indicated that the Thai property valuation now the flood disaster the same. In many provinces throughout the country. But data centers, research and evaluation Thai Real Estate Agency Co., Ltd. The Real Estate African Affairs estimates that the value of the property would not decrease. Except for buildings because of flood damage.
If you look back at the past flood statistics are found in Bangkok. Have major flooding in nearly 30 years ago in 2526 by massive flooding incidents for the month Vibhavadi into canal And after such an event since building buyers began to pay attention to this issue that the community that is house to purchase. Flooding or not. Who will probably not buy. This also resulted in lower real estate prices have some But almost forgotten in these days.
Percent growth in 2537 phenomenon 'millennial rain' cause jam Vibhavadi nearly 6 hours, but by a short period is not a problem. In the year 2538 problem, which floods high. White House and the village district, Pathum Thani, Rangsit flooded the second floor for the month. Luxury Housing Rangsit surface of public companies, it also flooded the village because of location. Klong Rangsit next. Water level in the river as high as 2.27 m was larger during the flood year 2485, but still not good, the water flooded the space because the city economy is good defense.
Years later came the construction of dams in Bangkok. The urban middle class and some flooding is not a long time. Believe that at any given moment. Key economic areas would not experience flooding. But if it happens. Will cause economic disruption. Damage the overall economy with assessed values can not However, in the case of real estate. The nature slowly changing. Neu would not affect prices. Because the economy would have been healing before it affects real estate.
However, if foreign countries such as the United States. The flood mapping for a long time ago. House prices in the area of flooding (repetitive) may be priced lower than the price the same house in the upland. However, this difference may not have much significance. It also has to purchase flood insurance in the United States. This enables building owners have enough money to repair the house back in the original condition.
Based on review of house price changes in the City of New Orleans's. State of Louisiana. This is massive flooding in the past 2548 years was found that The average price of houses is still increasing. However, except for damaged houses because of flooding. However, housing prices in this city back to decline during the crisis 'Ham number' when the year 2550 show that this natural disaster. Could cause housing price 'shock' to a short period of time, but not reach the price of land falls.
Crisis in Thailand is a natural time to time but have not found that land prices are falling.
Year 2531 disaster Tune shift. The flash from the mountain above the village beat out mud. Logs, rocks and large log houses to collapse, with people dying to live to 700 Hat Yai flood year 2543 year 2548.
2543 big flood in Hat Yai district. Result in 35 deaths and property damage cases tens of thousands of baht. Hat Yai, but not the property value decrease, except for long-term 'shock' in the short term.
2544 flash collapse, A. Wang Chin Phrae people were killed, 23 missing and 16 injured 58 people lost homes to 45 houses, but now it would return to normal. Also in the same year was also the case. Floods - landslides Ban Nam Ko Phetchabun contributed to the deaths of 147 people.
Census 2548 incident massive flooding the market in Chiang Mai longan market Warorot Night Bazaar market with a high water level of 70 cm in some spaces the water level nearly 2 m high, but it does not affect property prices. Except that the latter was a problem because it makes economic and political problems. Fewer tourists. Directly affect property values.
However, in the case of the waterfront Or depression during this time was heavy flooding. And the agricultural land has trees may drop to as much as if a garden or rubber, lychee orchards another Long and flooding. Fruit can be damaged. The rice. Damages would be economic problems of land ownership. Does not directly affect the price of land. Except land owners need to sell land at cheap price for a debt.
Rain and floods. Natural phenomenon And the season. The next regular water. Rain may cause the market price of land has some In the dry season or no rain. Land prices may be higher than usual, can do. Thus, in the land, suburban, or rural land. Should consider purchasing flood in order to know the flood problems in the surface.
In conclusion, both buyer and seller Real estate should be knowledgeable in the sale. Do not fall into the Priyitu in the immediate timeframe. And should be planned flood itself, especially in the case of land outside the town of Karma farmers. Or a large housing community outside the city and so on.
Reference to condominium townhouses Home Builder
วันอังคารที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553
Design a home ready to write a calculation estimating structural control of contractors.
Knowledge Center on house construction and home
design home design package. Design house Building design. Contractors. We use 3D imaging to help in three-dimensional view (Perspective) so you
can see the virtual reality before building your house after every unit condominium garden home furnishings forecast estimating structural calculations.
Apply for a building permit. Bank filed a recovery plan for free plan home design.
Design a home ready to write a calculation estimating structural control of contractors.
Home building design drawings oversee construction permit applications. Submission of bank financing.
Our services.
1. Design houses and buildings with regard to functionality. Building area. And the budget you set.
2. We use 3D imaging to help in three-dimensional view (Perspective) so you can see the virtual reality before building your house after all.
3. Structural design engineers. Certified list of calculated structure
4. Make a list estimates. Estimated construction
cost of BOQ.
5. Prepare for a construction permit. Plan for submission of bank construction loan.
6. The Construction Management. With the selection. And supply contractors.
7. Get with the program, Auto CAD drawing and 2D and 3D.
Reference to Home
Home building design drawings oversee construction permit applications. Submission of bank financing.
ศูนย์รวมความรู้เรื่องบ้าน และ งานก่อสร้าง ออกแบบ รับเหมาก่อสร้าง บ้าน อาคาร รับออกแบบและจัดทำ แบบบ้าน แปลนบ้าน แบบก่อสร้าง แปลนก่อสร้าง แบบขออนุญาตก่อสร้าง แปลนขออนุญาตก่อสร้าง แบบกู้ก่อสร้าง แปลนกู้ก่อสร้าง ออกแบบโครงสร้าง คำนวณโครงสร้าง ประมาณการ ประมาณราคา boq รับเหมาก่อสร้างบ้านและอาคาร รับออกแบบตกแต่งจัดสวน รับออกแบบตกแต่งห้องบ้านอาคารชุด ทางเราใช้โปรแกรม 3D ช่วยทำภาพในมุมมองสามมิติ(Perspective) เพื่อให้ท่านได้เห็นภาพเสมือนจริงบ้านของท่านก่อนสร้างทุกหลัง และเรายังมี แบบบ้านฟรี แปลนบ้านฟรี ประมาณการฟรี ประมาณราคาฟรี boqฟรี ให้download อีกด้วย
1. ออกแบบบ้าน และอาคารโดยคำนึงถึงประโยชน์ใช้สอย พื้นที่การปลูกสร้าง และงบประมาณที่ท่านตั้งไว้
2. เราใช้โปรแกรม 3D ช่วยทำภาพในมุมมองสามมิติ(Perspective) เพื่อให้ท่านได้เห็นภาพเสมือนจริงบ้านของท่านก่อนสร้างทุกหลัง
3. ออกแบบโครงสร้างโดยวิศวกร พร้อมเซ็นรับรองรายการคำนวณโครงสร้าง
4. จัดทำรายการประมาณการ ประมาณราคาค่าก่อสร้าง B.O.Q
5. จัดทำแบบขออนุญาตก่อสร้าง แบบแปลนเพื่อขอยื่นกู้ธนาคาร แบบก่อสร้าง
6. รับควบคุมงานก่อสร้าง พร้อมดำเนินการคัดเลือก และจัดหาผู้รับเหมา
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Reference to แบบบ้าน
Source include for Horizontal Band Saw and Horizontal Bandsaw
Source include for Horizontal Band Saw and Horizontal Bandsaw. Saw with a blade length consecutive circles. Movement of the blade. Nature of a belt transmission. What is the wheel and drive the wheels. The cutting edge of the saw blade to cut at all. Throughout the leaf. Entering the cutting system's hydraulic control a tension of the blade. Adjusted by winch Or using a hydraulic adjusting the spacing of the wheels. Structural strength. The unit can be installed with the factory floor.
The saw is cutting off with a sharp blade of many small sharp chisel or similar sharp contrast extracted many Cascaded in a row. Saw teeth are milling simultaneously to multiple tooth groove Ja well as missing out.
Sawing by hand with a saw (Hand Sawing) is a piece of work saw few With electric saws and saws (Power Hack Saw) also known as Saw Machinery (Sawing Machine) needed for the saw parts industry Many saw the piece. Both pieces of small and large. Saw Machinery divided into major categories as follows.
Metal lathe cutting blades are often used to undercut drill cutting metal Or polished stone in the grinder to make it part shape or size desired. While drilling or cutting undercut or depressed it. Heat to high and may occur up to 7000C or higher thermal message is caused by friction. Between the blade with the workpiece and the deformation of metal (Deformation) If the heat generated by this has not been cooling off soon, it will accumulate to the blade and work piece hot knife will lose strength and wear in the end the piece may be distorted. did not make the desired shape or size and may cause melting of the metal contact at the end of the blade. This is called the Built Up Edge, or abbreviated as BUE soon feel the knife and the stage may be decisive.
Reference to Horizontal Band Saw
Luang Pho Phra Kaew eyes kruawan measure Chon Buri province.
Amulet. The Moody Adelaide Buddhist Art source of Amulet Amulet talisman talisman of mystical Buddhist Group clay Chin Powder King King Medal faculty Euhi teachers the Old New Buddha Buddhist meditation the line of meditation the wild the call Pa the line instructors committed teachers Saturday History of the instructor. The glow around the grandfather of all the Thai Royal Wittayakhom North Central Northeast South East West.
Luang Pho Phra Kaew eyes. Kruawan measure. Chon Buri province. Considered to be the eyes and Powder Top Top of Chonburi Province, or that are His eyes Powder popular is that most of the country.
Personal history of Luang Pho Kaew. With the dark or with a legend most. But enough about trusted computing and can be summarized that he was born in Phetchaburi Province, about Year 2346 - Year 2351 at the end of the reign of about 1 Amrnnprpo Act 2426 - Act in 2431. Middle Ages, King 5, King Rama V.
His track record of building.
Father is a man of glass, Phetchaburi Province. Have confirmed that you are completely aligned like a temple with his father, Phetchaburi Province. But over the years. You hike to the temple Kruawan. Bang Pla Soi, Muang District, Chonburi Province, but he would fro between Chon Buri, Phetchaburi province. Has many followers, both of
His eyes closed a glass of Luang Por would be in about 2400 to 2430 was created after the Prince. Temple bells Oitaram few decades both the standard type. (Type rear), and type floating body which is called "exchange model Samsung, said that he donated his eyes to the Samsung lead to a pupil that may bar Chon Buri province. Or people from Phetchaburi time. Because of the respect you both provinces.
Type shape.
1. Print quality (Powder mix love).
1.1 His eyes after a big middle small print.
1.2 After the close eye talisman middle small caps.
1.3 His eyes closed flat after big middle small print.
Beef Powder mix love a brown shell detail. Some lacquer and gilded Buddha. Powder is the powder from the Buddha, you have to write a character that a pollen mixture of wood cooks chicken and other mystical materials.
2. Print Beef lead your head under his eyes flat. (Similar to the standard type) Oooam back slightly. Some body with a stylus Beef Shin lead
3. Print the image making the body off in a trance Powder as the standard type. Caused by the mold body individually. The shape is different to the meat and brown meat. Meat and dark brown almost black flesh.
His father glass eyes. Kruawan measure. His father is a traditional version of the eye. A prototype of the Powder of Chonburi Province such as the blind father out of his eyes Phu Wat Luang Pu Wat Kamphaeng his humble eyes Luang Por. Wat Noen Suthawas. His eyes closed, Luang Pu Wat creeps peace of mind etc.
Luang Pho Phra Kaew eyes. Kruawan measure. Has been most popular among the blind Powder together. That have resulted from a rare Director reputation and fortune on leave, and if mercy great popularity. Known each other for many generations people already. Observed as a father his glass eyes. Wat Kruawan (genuine) to worship are all individuals were in high society.
Reference to Amulet
Source include for Vertical Band Saw and Vertical Bandsaw
Source include for Vertical Band Saw
and Vertical Bandsaw. Saw belt vertical Saw with a blade in a vertical
belt. This will rotate the cutting continues. Cutting light all look like a flat iron or
steel cut some of the missing. Or cut into various shapes, which supplies other types of
saws can not.
Saw Saw belt is different from seizures. That can be cut as continuous. While the act cut
Saw Stroke Stroke only cut only And also take advantage of the blade with the limited
range is to use only the center of the blade only.
Blade belt has a thickness less than other types of saw blades, resulting in the loss of
material less than
Vertical Band Saw. To feature in several works. Similar to the fret work by hand. Which
are not found in other metal sawing machines, such as cutting a workpiece geometry.
Reference to Vertical Band Saw
Freeplan's Blog sources comprise a free house of cost estimation. Structure calculations for free.
Freeplan's Blog sources include a free building free building plan free of cost estimation. Structure calculations for free. Free one-storey building. A half storey house for free. A two-story home for free. Two-story open space under a house for free. We have gathered to give you.
Drawing are important for all Engineering Mechanics. This must be designed. Drawings will be produced every time the piece came out. Could say that the drawing are at the heart of the technicians of all kinds. In ancient times, drawing as underdeveloped today. But technicians are trying to convey ideas in a slab Without separate parts to clear. When the country to build homes, they had written home as the ground plan of the building, which would be better to do it without a pattern.
The origin of the drawings are not recorded. Information day Time to clear Drawing assume that Occur among prehistoric humans. It am observed from the residence of man. Will be recorded by writing a line or an image on the stone wall of the cave, when civilization was developed. With the invention and a tool And equipment needed for daily life more. Works from the invention of the invention. Scientist The ideas expressed by the graphic and then transfer to evolve a modern system with regard to optimal performance. This can be seen today.
Therefore, it is the subject of writing one. Which are used in industrial applications worldwide. To show the shape and nature of what they want produced. Drawing Course Description The course is not telling appearance. And the size of the object. But drawing are subject shows a clear picture. All the shapes, sizes and styles already. Therefore, the drawing am to be indispensable in repairing and creative.
Drawing professional manner. Divided into two types, ie.
1. Drawing Engineering (Engineering Drawing) to bring in machinery, more than any other. Drawing this kind of split as follows.
1.1 Mechanical Drawing.
1.2 The drawing and electrical equipment.
1.3 Drawing engine
1.4 Writing a map and survey technicians.
1.5 Writing a mechanic and sheet metal work.
2. The architectural drawings (Architectural Drawing) am a drawing of the building. Separate this type of drawing out the following.
2.1 Drawing structure
2.2 The author, a ratio of images.
2.3 Drawing pictures flu.
Drawing meaningful is to write the image in the drawing board And is described in the model completely. By writing the images. Or in a line down. The leaders took to the formation of a reality. Drawing technique Is one that requires professional knowledge of theories, such as all branches of Industrial Science and Mathematical Physics applied to other image formats that are symbols of stripes. To present to the reader to understand the meaning of a job quickly. Without a description of many Make the work more quickly. The author must be a transfer of ideas. Or ideas of their own. Sketches and paintings flux from scientists, engineers, architects, and a painting technique that is used in manufacturing and construction. Skating in flux at the picture or drawing to scale and detail. Sometimes the drawings may have to calculate the strength, quality, quantity and price of materials before you start writing. We should be knowledgeable about the equipment for the drawings. And how to best use. To get work completed quickly. Save time at work. And maintenance tools to write a good condition in a long time.
Using Drawing Tools.
You can download the Southern Thai Town Thai conservation projects for the General Public 3. Thai Thai Conservation Plan. Department of Public Works and Planning. Ministry of Interior The data plan. And estimation for free at link below offline.
Reference to Free Plan
Construction materials, electricity, water and sanitation system architecture.
construction materials is the materials used for constructional purposes. Associated with the habitat of humans and creatures, including man-made. Architecture to be created. construction materials in a variety of materials ranging from clay to metal, plastic or glass. Material discrimination in many aspects, whether the object structural. Intended use. Usually refers to the product components. For use in specific and may refer to different types of materials such as piles can mean. Piles of wood or concrete piles piling steel And even today have been aware of the relationship of the building and the environment with several organizations held separate from the application materials recycled.
In Thailand, constructional materials, concrete is the most popular in the current (2549), because you deserve Butter strength and fire resistance. Concrete has been used in building roads or even monuments. And political reasons the government has a concrete support. And has established a high import duty for steel.
Earthwork, road base
Category 1 refers to the earthwork, road foundation materials used in constructional of road foundation, building structural - buildings. Material in this section is. Wire mesh box. Diaphragm wall. Synthetic sand. Pu plastic concrete foundation - reservoir Synthetic fiber for soil, asphalt roads around steel paints Road spun prestressed. Pile dam Bored piles, concrete piles and steel pile wood pile uninterrupted.
Chapter 2 is a section of concrete, the concrete materials - cement, concrete block walls is concrete block earth. Concrete block paving - concrete, lightweight concrete sidewalk. Glass fiber reinforced concrete. Prestressed concrete bridge beams. Parts houses and concrete buildings. Concrete Pipe Jacking. Concrete drainage pipes. Cement, white cement concrete reservoir. Cement mortar fire brick refractory concrete wall light Precast concrete walls. Concrete panel block road Concrete floor. A hollow concrete floor. Concrete floor systems post Ten Nation. Concrete fence. Transmission towers, concrete brick, stone, sand and light weight.
construction Chemicals.
construction Chemicals Division 3. A Division of Materials Chemistry. Used in concrete and structurally support. Material in this category are adhesive - grout cleaning chemicals, liquid waterproofing paint waterproofing liquid form Curing concrete Flux concrete Concrete solution to accelerate the solidification. Liquid concrete to reduce water and increase capacity. Concrete solution to delay coagulation. Cause liquid cement - lime plaster Cleaner/ polish marble and granite. Specialty Cement Gera out and fix the structure. Cement only adjustable floor plate seamless waterproof concrete baffles. Cosapoan rubber sheet. Sheet covering waterproofing - Intelligence and the ground surface, tough epoxy Fiber Glass. Steel fireproof materials. Coating materials to prevent corrosion. Crack repair material. Reinforced concrete material filling materials filling materials, water and grout groove joints. Coatings, swimming pool replacement tiles.
4 Steel scrap metal materials such as metal joints, steel rebar steel roof. Finished steel mesh steel mesh steel wire mesh floor paving Steel mesh reinforcement. Stainless steel pipe, copper, brass nut and equipment - screw wire Wire Rope Wire Rope light concrete reinforcing steel, stainless steel structure steel sheet steel sheet steel aluminum non-slip pattern.
Floors and walls.
Chapter 5, including wall, floor covering, wall tiles and related workers. Many materials such as tiles, granite Glass mosaic tiles, glass tiles, concrete floors - pedestrian Asbestos sheets. Ceramic tiles. Ceramic Tile Tile Tile PVC Rubber tiles. Terrazzo tiles. Compressed marble tile. Beard wall galvanized steel frame. Beard wall aluminum frame. Finished wood frame wall. Lightweight honeycomb structurally, nose, stair wall Bua Siam groove oriented package. Wall thermal fire barrier walls soundproofed movable Corrugated iron, copper wall. Sheets of cement board. Cell sheets world convention Glass fiber reinforced concrete wall. Wall PVC Fiber cement. Max Sheet Company potassium board. Rubber / Rubber Flooring blog feeds. Gypsum board sheets. Gypsum fiber board sheets. Plate wall decoration and building. Decorative aluminum plates and wall building Acoustic board sheet PVC carpet carpet cleaner carpet Rubber Products Stamped concrete, artificial grass. Floor - Wall Corrugated iron Steel Raised Floor synthetic woods. Synthetic wood - wood imitation. Fence - lattice PVC Balustrade - Duct ceramic Materials, noise - sound absorption terrazzo marble granite stone washed shell gravel, stone wash, sand wash stone slate stone mountain made (artificial stone), brick, brick, ornamental brick masonry sheer white
Roof and ceiling.
Chapter 6, including ceiling tiles, concrete roof deck flooring. Concrete tile roof Ceramic tile roof. Tile roof or treat cellular world. Clay roof tiles. Translucent tiles. Fiber cement roofing tiles. Coated steel roofing tiles. Galvanized steel frame ceiling beard. Beard ceiling aluminum frame. Woven fabric structural. Roof finished wood. Japan finished canvas roof steel carbon fiber uPVC roof Shingle roofing sheets. Sheets close together under the roof eaves birds. Plate seamless tiles off the roof waterproofing, ceiling plate, ceiling plate coated vinyl - PVC Vinyl roof ceiling metal ceiling battens - Japan PVC roof finished [[[rain gutter rain gutter aluminum Rain Gutters finished seamless aluminum gutter]]], zinc roof. Corrugated iron, copper roof. Steel Corrugated iron roofs. Corrugated aluminum rolled roofing.
Wood, plastic, glass

Chapter 7 wood, plastic, glass as a separate category from Category other Since the woodworking, plastic and glass with various Material in this section include glass shot glass, fire glass, glass engraving - glass spray pattern mirrors insulation. (Glass vacuum) glass bending glass, patterned glass, safety glass, patterned glass, coated ceramic alternating color, cut and stained glass light Solar tag Glass structure. Glass fiber mesh. A plastic mesh, plastic sheets acrylic sheets Plast Wood polycarbonate sheet. Glass fiber filter film Cork Wood Wood Wood Lotus cue grill - wooden railing, parquet wood flooring, bamboo timber balcony crab incompressible synthetic - artificial wood veneer plywood / board.
Doors and windows.
Chapter 8 consists of window and door lock card system (key card) Proof. Door knob lock door shock absorber window louver door hinge zinc Weapons Detection Fiber Door PVC Door Glass Door Wood Door - uPVC windows. Fiber, plywood door hard Factory door - automatic garage doors door stainless steel door fireproof steel doors. Rolled steel door. Door stretch Aluminum door. Automatic doors Alloy gate fence gate door, ABS Door Handle - Window Window Frame Steel Balustrade railing pvc window wood window window roof ventilation. Steel window. Aluminum windows. Door - window Open device - close automatic doors
Bathroom sanitaryware.
Chapter 9 contains a bathroom faucet, bathroom shower faucets automatic Water heater - hot water. Automatic Hand Dryer. Sliding bathroom - shower cabinet. Finished bathroom walls. Bathroom Curtain - non-slip mat. Seat cover toilet flush valve toilet bathroom - toilet sink tub, spa package, Jacuzzi bathroom.
Chapter 10 consists of paper off the wall decoration (wallpaper) panel sun canopy curtain panel room decorated trees - artificial flowers, safe, varnishes, solid wood flooring. Chemical treatment of wood, wood dye Lotus - decorated ready-brow advertising sign light box, furnishing fabrics. Curtain - Curtain rails and accessories. Sheet laminate - a material off skin, carpet, carpet, sheet finished furniture, blinds curtain adjust light channel million lacquer lacquer Vain's Oil Varnish Paint Roof powder spray pattern coating embossed paint - gloss, natural stone pillars Roman semiprecious stones brick, glass sink.
Water Supply - Sanitation.
Chapter 11 Water Supply - Sanitation includes water filter / water filtration system. Water pumps - chemical - liquid Mesh sewer tanks, grease traps Fiber Glass / Water Tank PE (Poly ethylene) stainless steel tanks. Galvanized steel tanks. Septic Tank. Pipe / fittings and equipment Asbestos cement pipe. Pipe Gold Eแ Dong / brass PB pipes and equipment. PP pipes and equipment. PPR pipes and equipment. PVC pipes and equipment. PE pipe and accessories. Fiber Glass Pipe. Hose / Hose and accessories Stainless steel pipes and equipment. Steel pipe and equipment Steel Pipe PVC Pipe lining PE, ABS pipe, water meter valves Sprinkler water tanks, trees, tower equipment / waste water treatment system.
Air conditioning.
12 Air Conditioning System consists of air conditioning OZONE. Air Purifier. Insulation Insulated pipe air foil reflect heat. Ventilators air curtain cooling system, cold air mask ventilation, a roof window. Control room equipment, clean the cooling tower / waste treatment system, air cleaner smoke.
Electrical system.
Chapter 13 System consists of electric generator. Prevent electric shock machine - electric shock. Lamp / Lamp Lighting. Automatic Emergency Lighting / Exit. Cabinet switch board / panel. Conduit pipe / tank wiring, ballast control system, the electric meter in - out Home control systems - intelligent buildings. Automated queuing systems. Automatic water detection system. Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) system, telephone system, fire protection / fire extinguishers and equipment. Alarm system. Communication system / antenna / satellite dish system light and sound equipment meeting Lift / elevator / electrical insulators in sliding switches / plugs, switches automatically excision wire cable telecommunications towers steel works. High-voltage towers. Lamp transformer explosion prevention device. Lightning protection equipment.
Special constructional.
Chapter 14 Special construct includes incineration Parking Kiosk finished fountain entrance control system - the car The automatic barrier arms Stadium gymnasium, children's playground, tennis courts, swimming pool office - finished flag pole store room sauna / steam room.
Machinery - constructional equipment.
Division 15 equipment - construct equipment includes cable theodolite - surveying equipment. Scrubber. Pendant concrete machine. Concrete Drilling extraction. Rock Drilling - Mining Machinery. High Pressure Cleaner. Welding machines and equipment Steel bending machines - steel cutting machine cutting concrete slap soil. Concrete breaking machine. Pump concrete Concrete mixer. Asphalt mixing machine. Concrete spraying machine. Spray sand Lime plaster spray painting machine tool technicians. Power Tools Air Tools - Accessories polishing / grinding. Tools - Cleaning. Vinyl rock. Concrete blocks, compressors air compressor software for the design and construct of tower cranes and scaffolding equipment Casting concrete (wood) casting round towers. Embedded plug Concrete - concrete retaining device. Cranes - Air hammers Bully Leather Shopping Basket excavators car lap Motor Grader Cart Crane Car Adam Cooper tractor Mirror Shopping compacted car home truck pumps concrete car crab tire concrete forklift - The Car. York Lift Hoist - Crane Lift construction. Monitoring equipment and analyzing the soil. Strength of concrete testing equipment.
Reference to Construction materials
Creative Garden Design is a professional. Must be able to decide the proper selection of materials to the area.
Gardening are an activity that am science arts and crafts related to planting and plant care included. Environment to create a beautiful atmosphere. In general, it am an activity in the residential space. In the size called the garden.
Landscaping may be done outside of any residential size, such as parks, botanical garden. area attractions. Hotel / shops / companies / organizations.
Landscaping will be done outdoors and generally made on the ground, but they can do as an umbrella. garden of Eden in the greenhouse. This should be done in water-cultured planting lotus pond. Or even a garden plant root gardening There is many forms, such as garden flowers, gardening stone gardening with a balanced manner, such as landscaping or European style mix imbalance, such as a Japanese garden and so on.
In addition to home furnishings and beautiful landscaping, it am important to help the home's livable housing. Because of that we have a beautiful garden that will give us feels that our home page address.
We have great tips from the best "home and garden" to help design your garden of Eden. Try to apply the same about it darling.
What to pay attention to the gardening. Do not forget the great garden tips. Designed to help you relax in the corner of your home is more likely to see more Get a colorful and fun activities too tired my family.
The garden, modern space that Every element is an important part. It should not include many kinds of trees. Together or use a variety of furnishings that look too. In addition to the garden of Eden because you look uncomfortable, you can also destroy the image of your garden ever.
Good ideas to keep in mind am "the more simple the better." If you have an idea in the mind of your garden of Eden. Should study each type of vegetation. Whether it am a matter of growth.
Maintenance. And raised various To choose a tree that fits the lifestyle of living in your city. Accessories we urge you to consider choosing the mirror that helps create more interest and dimension. To garden of Eden more. There is also useful for reflecting sunlight to reduce stuffy corner. Do not forget that the glass should be used for external use for sun bear little tired my weatherproof. The paint should use light colors. Help open the area to see clean air.
Using raw wood soft colors. A beautiful pattern. Decorated the walls of the bench, or even walk daybed. Another option am to help break the lush harmony. A little more aggressive vertical space in your gardening. The trees make a small shelf or hang.
Flower Pot chic. The more they look more attractive in.
Reference to Furniture
"Heart" of the home hub of the house there am a "living room".
furnished rooms is uncountable nouns. Meaning to objects. Items that can be moved. That may be around the use of the
human body. (Such as furnished house for sitting and a bed) or for storage. Or store objects vertically above the ground than the ground. furniture for storage and sliding doors are often a collection of class. That might keep a small piece of clothing, accessories, books, equipment
furniture may be a product resulting from the design of the arts. And may be considered to be a work of art decoration. In addition, there may be meaningful in a symbolic or religious organizations. furniture may be associated with other components such as clock or a lamp. To functional areas within furniture can be made from various materials such as steel, plastic and wood.
It am said that "The eyes are the window of the heart" So if we look through the window, we will find a heart with you, offline, we're talking the area as the "heart" of the home hub of the house there is a "living room. "sure enough.
What is living?
If you think of the aspects of the house layout. Living room is a room that is usually placed in the first part of the house. A walk through the room door to find it pumps home Pun said.
In terms of literal meaning by a living room without having to use the language of the gel Doraemon help I mean the room is for living. I certify that the guest room, guest
In the current era of land more expensive than gold. House size is smaller. To match the living conditions of urban living means, including living room, living room, some people might include a room to eat it to be. am why we pay attention to the "heart" of a global framework.
Compared to the living room looks like a taste of home owners as well as social habits of people in the home. It are often a room that has been specially decorated room other than the room that represents the spirit that we provide vareitors with
"Chuck down on a soft sofa. Sip a cool glass of orange juice, peep through the curtain am clear that the wind blows Eonoi blow to the image profusely green garden outside. Cut with colorful birds to stop grazing pollen.
A constant moisture minds guests. To travel through the city better. Do the guests at all but offline. Day we have to namrnsuam lead Through the door to the living room would be a little paradise each day.
Furnished living room, it will feature no less exclusive. The living room are the very place to place in the entrance area.
If there am space enough may provide a cabinet shoes for walking in the house (for guests) sofa (size depending on size of the room ought to be) should be placed in a position overlooking the best addition to a sofa (if any area Paul I), should provide a few chairs to sit alone at least a 1-2. (I have a very good arm).
Perhaps because the visitors are not very corrosive. If the sofa to sit together. Could become a central table was pretty tight tattoo (personally not like table glass Because at first hand, put the glass to tension) may be decorated the area around some With the placement of potted plants to make small rooms see what the life Tong life Of the room to show beauty is enough enough I offline. Otherwame it will become the bully vis itors generous in vain
Now let's see the living room is about it offline. With the terms of the home and the seat position by a doctor (Sins), calculated from the date of the owner of the home. Sofa and stairs happen to be exactly the opposite. (And we can not place the TV on the stairs, not really), edited by a wall decorated from floor to ceiling. To hang the TV and keep the power cord that am not right.
Decorative wall panels by this act to divide the living and the home in the frequency (the second floor), wall cover plate Duan Laminate wood Earth-tone colors. Looking for comfort. Wood arranged to be horizontal. Make rooms look larger. South TV penetration box rack cable box.
Including the various players. The hundreds of wires inside. After the cabinet can be opened (to) the closing time will not see the elimination of wires on the power cord into the wall beside the clear blue sofa, paint up. Guests will have the time I did not look into the dining table but to lay eyes on the living zone. See the cream colored sofa, comfortable (actually gives me a dark time. am easy to maintain) a central table leg open Top table are a light-colored wood. Place piece of carpet underneath to enhance washing with warm area.
Easy to organize space. Simply the idea. To place into it a bit, it makes the house look up what a lot offline. The placement of the living area to look good. am important to make whole-house look with mirror. And also enrich the guest towards the owner's home as well.
"Eyes" may indicate a feeling of what we have on guests as well. But it would be better than that or not. If we can open the "heart" with our guests do not have to look through the "window" again.
Reference to Furniture
How to decorate according to feng shui the home, bedroom, living room, kitchen, toilet, stairs author is feng shui to bring good luck.
Feng Shui comes from the word "feng" means wind or the sky, "Shui" means water or soil,
so Feng Shui. Refers to the balance of nature with respect to the Union Address
or the environment. Comment surrounding human biology. Feng Shui is
divided into 2 types form a feng shui is something that people are living. Housing is
called feng shui yang energize. power
movements, such as home, office, factory, etc. Type 2 dead Feng Shui is the tomb called
Yin Feng Shui energetically. power mobility.
Feng Shui is a natural force that can adapt to human destiny was good and
bad. So we come to understand the powerfulness of wind
flutter on the ground Npakrs central circulation. Moved by the wind. and
inserted into the river San. Called powerful "Species" feng shui, or
power, "Species" is a natural renewable
energy is all around us and the natural
environment. Outdoors to modify the biological Contact us to follow what comes naturally
defined. According to natural rules.
Feng Shui is the art of controlling or understoring
between the "wind and water," the Chinese ancient quest description rules
of nature. The stretch of river. or arrangement of the mountains.
and their comparison with the universal powerfulness of
the story dragon green white tiger Hong Dang Tao Dam, or also found to
the dragon of the universe is the breath that is power, "Species"
How is believed that the "Species" is the powerful that makes the l
and so onscape. many different looks in this world, whether as a river, mountain
streams, colorful forests or the environment are on earth, including
human life. Sepo animals and souls. Blue clay inspires us to the destiny
of human life as the fate auspicious birth. Human destiny is to have the blue and
so on the environment as a supplementary element. Made for life with a salty sweet sour
taste additives to the suffering and so on happiness. To the rhythm of fate.
and in accordance with the vicious powerfulness in
relation to human fate. It is based on the movement of the force, "Species," which is
moving around the body at all times.
Currently the country has gradually. Rapidly. Buildings in the capital has some different
characteristics, it is high, some low, some also pointed out what turned sideways. The
idea that the nature of beauty. However, some of which was not as expected. We may be
attacked at home or residence, some of which may be a good time to reinforce our position
as has been created on Silom Road or the train has passed many important
buildings under construction. Has created a support beam of the BTS. The existence of the
owners in trouble is also caused by "Species" of the beams that the impact on the
building to be confused with activities that force unseen or "Species", these are part of
the event different. happens to those who have been affected.
Feng Shui is the wisdom of Chinese people who study the changes of nature from the past
to the present and of the decorative arts. Everything to the balance
or harmony both within and outside the building. Do not
abuse the power point to the impact on the well-being in our
daily lives.
Feng Shui of a good fortune should be simple and so on relate to our destiny.
When our destiny can not be good Feng Shui to enhance the fortune to be on the moon.
Changes in the way to a better. But feng shui is bad luck can make a bad gem, so to say
that Feng Shui is part of human life.
To know that Feng Shui where girls watched. The direction must be measured. Using a dozen
pass the SAT Sin is rapidly changing to the stable and so on accurate. The home
lor that looks like aunt have any How long have Wassana. Are lucky or
not. This is a sensitive issue of Sin Satellite to be calculated correctly. The program,
as detailed calculations.
Good fortune happens when Sins assessment of the house or office with your birth date,
your assessment of what you are in the zodiac. Sins order to locate the furnace room, big
bed or the door of your house. Epoen The best use of housing. Which is
the foundation on the back and Pa Kua age nine star charts Lo Su.
Sinแs great feng shui in Hong Kong tend to blend these different factors, depending on
what objective inquiry, such as better health. Money more children learn good Work
prosperity etc. Sins some supplements with ooudyong destiny, called "Poi Yee four Ete
network that" The date or time is born bound to fate to calculations
fortune to meet the needs of thy destiny.
Feng Shui affect the destiny of your life how?
Fate is your key to the events in your life for good or bad. Feng Shui your home
and your office can help alleviate the negative side of your fate
or promote the positive side of life improved as well as RMC.
If the destiny of your life remained good. A good Feng Shui to enhance the results of
your success to the highest level of Director. But if that is not good feng shui. It
would not arrest you achieve your goal further.
If the fate of your average good fortune will make you prosperous. As it provides an
environment that mask Annan support force "Species" that you want. The ability to promote
the idea clearly. แear organization decided correctly. But feng shui is not good. It will
allow you to use discretion, do not crash. This will result in damage to material
or financial resources, you weaker if the fate of your good fortune to an
environment that will protect you from the decisions and so on actions are
wrong, but if not good feng shui. Will put you in the condition worse by illness,
accidents or financial losses. It also caused problems in life
or family.
Effects of Feng Shui good luck to you both that should not have. You must have integrity
and so on compassion to help others. Fortune to return to what you have. Is to
create good karma all its own. It can change or break from the bad karma that has run
Currently many of you want to consult a Feng Shui Sinแs increase There are plenty of
people who are not trained adequately to leap into the profession, they used some of the
west with the sun Story mixed. Inefficiencies such as the right of right image Feng Shui
is part of the philosophy and so on background of Natural Sciences of China
or science is the complete or holistic in nature itself.
" Not rub the lack of knowledge of feng shui course enough. Prasit can make images of
loss and degradation caused damage. and so on can cause adverse
You should keep in mind that Feng Shui is the subject of Academic Science. On the nature
or a pure form that is not related to religion. Observations Sins Feng
Shui, the most well-known in Asia. Plain simple dress. and talk about
their profession with knowledge and so on reasonable. When he gets you a
customer asks Sins SkypeWeb on your birth year history of the property. Architectural
Designs. and the idea of design. and so on the needs of you that
want to kind.
Feng Shui is a natural force. The author of the study and so on research for a
long time from many different books books conclusions are the result.
Basic principles of feng shui is.
1. To conserve energy, "Species" is taken to maintain the
2. The "species" of the parties to live at home. To empower the
fate of life.
3. Chart pointing residential powerful. Jai
powerfulness to "Chi" balanced and harmonious. This will
give residents the pleasure or to promote the harmonious interaction
between Residents share. It also causes good health to people living with.
Reference to Home and Buildinf of Feng Shui
so Feng Shui. Refers to the balance of nature with respect to the Union Address
or the environment. Comment surrounding human biology. Feng Shui is
divided into 2 types form a feng shui is something that people are living. Housing is
called feng shui yang energize. power
movements, such as home, office, factory, etc. Type 2 dead Feng Shui is the tomb called
Yin Feng Shui energetically. power mobility.
Feng Shui is a natural force that can adapt to human destiny was good and
bad. So we come to understand the powerfulness of wind
flutter on the ground Npakrs central circulation. Moved by the wind. and
inserted into the river San. Called powerful "Species" feng shui, or
power, "Species" is a natural renewable
energy is all around us and the natural
environment. Outdoors to modify the biological Contact us to follow what comes naturally
defined. According to natural rules.
Feng Shui is the art of controlling or understoring
between the "wind and water," the Chinese ancient quest description rules
of nature. The stretch of river. or arrangement of the mountains.
and their comparison with the universal powerfulness of
the story dragon green white tiger Hong Dang Tao Dam, or also found to
the dragon of the universe is the breath that is power, "Species"
How is believed that the "Species" is the powerful that makes the l
and so onscape. many different looks in this world, whether as a river, mountain
streams, colorful forests or the environment are on earth, including
human life. Sepo animals and souls. Blue clay inspires us to the destiny
of human life as the fate auspicious birth. Human destiny is to have the blue and
so on the environment as a supplementary element. Made for life with a salty sweet sour
taste additives to the suffering and so on happiness. To the rhythm of fate.
and in accordance with the vicious powerfulness in
relation to human fate. It is based on the movement of the force, "Species," which is
moving around the body at all times.
Currently the country has gradually. Rapidly. Buildings in the capital has some different
characteristics, it is high, some low, some also pointed out what turned sideways. The
idea that the nature of beauty. However, some of which was not as expected. We may be
attacked at home or residence, some of which may be a good time to reinforce our position
as has been created on Silom Road or the train has passed many important
buildings under construction. Has created a support beam of the BTS. The existence of the
owners in trouble is also caused by "Species" of the beams that the impact on the
building to be confused with activities that force unseen or "Species", these are part of
the event different. happens to those who have been affected.
Feng Shui is the wisdom of Chinese people who study the changes of nature from the past
to the present and of the decorative arts. Everything to the balance
or harmony both within and outside the building. Do not
abuse the power point to the impact on the well-being in our
daily lives.
Feng Shui of a good fortune should be simple and so on relate to our destiny.
When our destiny can not be good Feng Shui to enhance the fortune to be on the moon.
Changes in the way to a better. But feng shui is bad luck can make a bad gem, so to say
that Feng Shui is part of human life.
To know that Feng Shui where girls watched. The direction must be measured. Using a dozen
pass the SAT Sin is rapidly changing to the stable and so on accurate. The home
lor that looks like aunt have any How long have Wassana. Are lucky or
not. This is a sensitive issue of Sin Satellite to be calculated correctly. The program,
as detailed calculations.
Good fortune happens when Sins assessment of the house or office with your birth date,
your assessment of what you are in the zodiac. Sins order to locate the furnace room, big
bed or the door of your house. Epoen The best use of housing. Which is
the foundation on the back and Pa Kua age nine star charts Lo Su.
Sinแs great feng shui in Hong Kong tend to blend these different factors, depending on
what objective inquiry, such as better health. Money more children learn good Work
prosperity etc. Sins some supplements with ooudyong destiny, called "Poi Yee four Ete
network that" The date or time is born bound to fate to calculations
fortune to meet the needs of thy destiny.
Feng Shui affect the destiny of your life how?
Fate is your key to the events in your life for good or bad. Feng Shui your home
and your office can help alleviate the negative side of your fate
or promote the positive side of life improved as well as RMC.
If the destiny of your life remained good. A good Feng Shui to enhance the results of
your success to the highest level of Director. But if that is not good feng shui. It
would not arrest you achieve your goal further.
If the fate of your average good fortune will make you prosperous. As it provides an
environment that mask Annan support force "Species" that you want. The ability to promote
the idea clearly. แear organization decided correctly. But feng shui is not good. It will
allow you to use discretion, do not crash. This will result in damage to material
or financial resources, you weaker if the fate of your good fortune to an
environment that will protect you from the decisions and so on actions are
wrong, but if not good feng shui. Will put you in the condition worse by illness,
accidents or financial losses. It also caused problems in life
or family.
Effects of Feng Shui good luck to you both that should not have. You must have integrity
and so on compassion to help others. Fortune to return to what you have. Is to
create good karma all its own. It can change or break from the bad karma that has run
Currently many of you want to consult a Feng Shui Sinแs increase There are plenty of
people who are not trained adequately to leap into the profession, they used some of the
west with the sun Story mixed. Inefficiencies such as the right of right image Feng Shui
is part of the philosophy and so on background of Natural Sciences of China
or science is the complete or holistic in nature itself.
" Not rub the lack of knowledge of feng shui course enough. Prasit can make images of
loss and degradation caused damage. and so on can cause adverse
You should keep in mind that Feng Shui is the subject of Academic Science. On the nature
or a pure form that is not related to religion. Observations Sins Feng
Shui, the most well-known in Asia. Plain simple dress. and talk about
their profession with knowledge and so on reasonable. When he gets you a
customer asks Sins SkypeWeb on your birth year history of the property. Architectural
Designs. and the idea of design. and so on the needs of you that
want to kind.
Feng Shui is a natural force. The author of the study and so on research for a
long time from many different books books conclusions are the result.
Basic principles of feng shui is.
1. To conserve energy, "Species" is taken to maintain the
2. The "species" of the parties to live at home. To empower the
fate of life.
3. Chart pointing residential powerful. Jai
powerfulness to "Chi" balanced and harmonious. This will
give residents the pleasure or to promote the harmonious interaction
between Residents share. It also causes good health to people living with.
Reference to Home and Buildinf of Feng Shui
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