Environmental problems in the Map Ta Phut. News has become the attention of the public at large. And on October 2, 2552 the Supreme Administrative Court ordered the case is about the project, 76 industrial projects, environmental problems associated with the development of this industry, the various restaurants. Therefore, Appraisal Foundation of Thailand Therefore some volunteer researchers to explore publicity opinion to reflect the image of. public ownership of real space problem.
Foundation hopes that the findings of. This study is useful for planning, environmental management and urban developer in Map Ta Phut. And confirmed that the study conducted by sincerity Not stakeholders are not biased and did not receive or benefit from Oamis who
About the Survey.
The survey, conducted during 14, 15 and 22 November 2552 by randomly sampling a two-step (Two-stage Sampling) at random in the first step Random community sample by means of a random simple (Simple Random Sampling) at the community level to 21 communities from 31 communities and a random Step 2 is the random people who live in the communities sampled in Step 1 for sample size, number household Yamane's formula is based on a real example of this total sample size was 1,107 people.
1107 total household population covered 3918 houses from the total population of 33,492 people or 11.70% of the population covered. On the other hand, if determined by the number of interviews, a person aged over 18 will find that the number of interviews of 1,107 people represented 4.7% of the population aged 18 years and over with all 23,597 people in the Map Ta Phut. Proportion of population which is sufficient for reliable sampling.
Industry people want.
Key issues that should determine policy is that the majority (65.3% or two thirds) in the Map Ta Phut. Should be the growth industry in the following areas. Here are just five in three industries that should stop the expansion. However, if the count includes those who are not sure or no opinion 22.2% and you will find that the population growth that should stop the existing 26.6%, or half of the population, the industry should be in the Map Ta Phut. Will continue to grow (51.1%).
If the description is found. Even people living in more than 10 years to 55% will see the industry should continue to grow. But still less than the average total 65.3% In addition, despite a host population, especially House. Most have agreed to the expansion of the industry. But still considered less than average at 65.3% as well, this shows that Minority populations who do not want the industry expansion. Continue to consider the habits of living and attached to the family estate. Protection is important.
Pollution and illness.
That pollution is often referenced in the Map Ta Phut. Cause many different illnesses, this study explored publicity opinion on this issue. It was found that during the first years of the illness or death of the impact of pollution in the Map Ta Phut in all 504 cases, or approximately 12.86% of the total population. The separation is caused by working in the establishment of 92 cases or 2.35% of the total population of the remaining 412 cases or 10.52%, illness or death from residential sizes.
In considering the impact of pollution Should be considered separate groups of patients and death from pollution in the workplace because of the effect. Impact of pollution in this case can occur anywhere in the country. This usually is the result of negligence and lack of good control Occupational Health in the workplace, so in regard to pollution in the Map Ta Phut should focus on groups that are affected. Impact on the housing which is approximately 10.52% of the population is significant.
Table 1: The illness or death because of pollution in the first round last year.
Patients affected by minor illness including death.
Number of illness and death from pollution in the Map Ta Phut (person).
Working in the workplace 78 7 7 92.
The Residential 385 26 1412.
Total 463 33 8504.
Proportion compared to the total population surveyed 3918 people.
Working in establishments 1.99% 0.18% 0.18% 2.35%.
The Residential 9.83% 0.66% 0.03% 10.52%.
Total 11.82% 0.84% 0.20% 12.86%.
However, when reviewing the illness from all groups showed that most (11.82%) is always a slight illness, such as a cold, allergies, etc. The group believes that seriously ill or died because of pollution, with only 0.69% of the total population only. Therefore, it can be said that the number of illness and death from pollution, there is not much. Unlike the common belief that pollution can cause health problems in the Map Ta Phut.
Data from the Pollution Control Department found that the main cause of death of populous in Rayong Province in the year 2548 because of external causes of morbidity and mortality (eg, accidental suicide, homicide) and 15%, followed by the causes of disease. cancer and tumors and 12.7% due to infectious and parasitic diseases 12.6%, however, the cause of death from cancer and the tumor had returned in Rayong. The lower-level nationwide.
One of the other evidence seemed to suggest that illness due to pollution in the Map Ta Phut. Not on the level higher than is standard throughout the country. Comparison "The number of people who are sick or feel unwell during an interview last month, 2550" conducted by the National Statistical Office. It was found that the proportion of population who were ill at around the country for about 18.16% while in the Map Ta Phut, has a population of "sick little" in a residential area of only 9.83% of the patient group may have symptoms because of pollution. other causes. Because symptoms are important. A cold or allergies. This occurs so commonly.
In the Map Ta Phut. No toxic contaminated sites. (Contamination space) and can not live as if contaminated sites due to the old airport, mining, or other property valuation. Contaminated sites are often low or negative value because it treated out of state to contamination problems, however, toxic contaminated sites are not visible. Therefore, solving environmental problems is also a high possibility that treatment for area free from pollution.
However, population of around two-thirds (64.2%) believe that in the Map Ta Phut pollution would be more in City Rayong It has a population of 48.5% for wishing to move out of the Map Ta Phut, if In the future, more pollution, or excessive The population will live in the area because of economic reasons and habits. The housing is important. The population living more than 10 years, most would not think moving away from the space.
They also found that The group is not willing to move out if in the future with the Map Ta Phut. Too much pollution. Often in groups with low education level of elementary school. And populous with low income per family (up to 10,000 baht per month) is important, but on the other hand Group ownership housing. In particular, a single homeowner. Tend to move less than other groups. Because the possession of property valued at more than sure enough in the area.
Solution, in the opinion of the populous.
One could say that. Guidelines for pollution would be able to do so without difficulty. From the interviews revealed that the cause of the pollution can be observed not realize populousness are seen as complex offense in emissions is Nuang as such as emission whenever the weather is clear. Or discharge waste water without treatment during heavy rain. This phenomenon is referring to is Nuang other.
For the post of populous in the space include:.
1. Key issues at various industry must follow the law strictly. Will not violate the publicity. And awareness to employees and executives of various industry has social responsibility more
2. To control and prevent corruption in both publicly and wrongfully causing emissions in Nuang other.
3. To have the audit committee of pollution. The representatives of the local populousness to participate with
4. Monitoring unauthorized emissions on a regular basis as such as every week, every month or every time there is a risk of unauthorized emissions, as such as when rain etc.
5. The measures to punish the delinquents severely. Not the CEB.
6. Monitoring equipment and tools in the treatment of industrial waste in various forms, including the developer of pollution to be more effective.
8. In the publicly sector. Should be distributed the water filter mask and get a health check free of charge every year. As well as receive special treatment from residents in the space.
9. To plant trees to help reduce pollution.
10. The practice evacuation in case of leakage of pollutants into the community.
11. To provide housing for the populousness. By far the pollution. By way of sale of land to industrial.
12. The management of publicity expropriation of land for industrial expansion.
13. populous have a right to know the information immediately and clearly. For the protection of interests of the residents directly.
14. The organized protesters plant emissions. So that the problem is resolved immediately.
Therefore, solutions are at the inspection to control the offense. This closely If the government or publicity agency established to have an objective that's implementation. The free checked closely and continuously. With the reporting of audit results to the publicly continued as well. Believe that some form of emissions will decrease
The local people also believe that many facilities as well as of public or not. Have violated the law. Violation of the residents or the surrounding communities. Constitute a crime. And held a lack of social responsibility directly. So disclosure to the public. Litigation and other cases are therefore likely to be a problem, corrective and preventive measures rather than generalize This will affect the investment climate.
Process of creating a good image of the industry is something that must be carried out. Seriously and make sure it has not, will be based on the beliefs of the populousness that create images rather than intention. As a true industry professional Neu. Industrial operator should be understood that Reduce costs by spreading the pollution. Would negatively impact the industry in the long run. It will be opposition from local populous, sure enough.
Immovable properties.
Whereas it is necessary to grow the industry in the Map Ta Phut. As part of national develop for the benefit of the Thai people nationwide. In this case, may be necessary to purchase the land or immovable properties. Property and land for agriculture, some of the populous. Especially those located close to the direction of industry growth. A space to grow the industry. And may be a buffer zone to residential spaces. This will prevent the pollution has affected the citizens. However, the purchase or expropriation of this Should be paid higher than the appraised value for the registration of rights and acts of the government. It also should be equal to purchase price. Or may pay a higher price in order to facilitate the affected Impact moved out as soon as possible. For the benefit of all parties.
According to the estimates of the Appraisal Foundation of Thailand in 2550 found that the market value of housing and land for agriculture in the Rayong province worth 356,165 million baht for the number of residents in Rayong Province, according to the registration office. Rat at the end of 2551 with 295,931 units, but in the Map Ta Phut municipality has only 33,411 units or 11.29% will be observed that in the Map Ta Phut. Residential lots. Close to the number of households. Some units, but none to live. Speculation is purchased. Allowing those who are affected by purchase or expropriation of land, there is not much.
The analysis of the number and value of residential above. It can be said that Value of residential and agricultural land to the municipality, so the Map Ta Phut. Should be approximately 40,211 million baht this reason, if the purchase or immovable properties situated near the size. Industries that require real growth. Would not be worth much. Researchers expect that the amount would not exceed 10% of the aggregate amount, or approximately 4,000 million baht. If the government requires land acquisition or expropriation Has economic value and benefit to most people across the country and overall.
Reference to Foundation